Process Forensics: A Ciklum Perspective

We have put together a comprehensive guide that introduces our Ciklum Offering on Benchmarking, Process Improvement and Process Mining. 
This guide will give you a view into the different approaches we take at Ciklum, as well as guidance and recommended best practice across the three pillars of process forensics.
Read this guide to learn about:
  • Process mining and best practice approaches
  • Benchmarking and the analysis lifecycle
  • Process Improvement, what it is, how it's applied and important aspects for consideration.
We are developing a supplementary guide with more detailed information that will come out soon. By downloading this copy, you will receive an email with the full guide as soon as it's been released.
To learn more, visit our Intelligent Automation webpage, or click here to contact a member of our team. 

Download the guide

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